It’s probably the first question on your mind, “How Much Weight Can You Lose in a Month on Intermittent Fasting?”
We’ve all heard how fantastic intermittent fasting is for our overall health.
It’s a great way to reset your metabolism and your gut, you can clear out old cells and regenerate new ones.
Plus, of course, intermittent fasting is seen as the ideal way to lose weight.
But, exactly how much weight can you expect to lose?
Allow me to reveal all.
How Much Weight Can You Lose in a Month on Intermittent Fasting?
A 2015 review pooled the results of 40 Intermittent fasting studies. It was found that on average participants lost 10lbs over a 10-week period. However, another study targeting obese individuals with alternate day fasting, saw them lose 13 pounds over 8 weeks. Therefore, based on these results you can expect to lose 4-7lbs in a month on intermittent fasting.
1. Intermittent Fasting Weight Loss Isn’t the Same For Everyone
In truth, how much weight you can lose in a month on intermittent fasting will vary from person-to-person.
Basically, the more weight you have to lose, typically the quicker you can expect the weight to come off.
In fact, it is often that final stubborn bit of weight you’re trying to lose that is the hardest.
You may even have noticed this phenomenon yourself.
When you initially start a diet, and perhaps increase your activity levels too, the weight literally drops off.
What’s happening here is that your body is experiencing something new in terms of diet and exercise, and therefore you may notice some amazing initial results.
However, the human body is an amazing thing, so it won’t be long before your body adapts to your new healthy lifestyle.
And unfortunately, this is typically when your weight loss starts to plateau.
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Your body is used to what you’re doing and therefore it needs something more to kickstart the weight loss process again.
This will often involve you increasing your workout time or simply making your training sessions harder.
Then again, you may choose to consume fewer calories during your fasting window.
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Perhaps, you may even consider a slightly longer fasting window, and of course, a shorter eating window.
Metabolism & Sleep
You also have to take other factors into consideration when looking at how much weight you can potentially lose.
The most obvious of these will be your metabolism and your sleeping habits.
Intermittent fasting will usually reset your metabolism, which is fantastic if you’re looking to lose weight.
A higher metabolic rate will ensure that you’re burning more calories (and fat) during the day, even while you’re at rest.
Furthermore, while you’re asleep the body secretes certain hormones.
And Human Growth Hormone happens to be one of these.
It is the Human Growth Hormone that is responsible for helping you to build muscle, lose weight, burn body fat, etc.
Plus, when we’re well-rested we’re less likely to make poor food choices.
Unfortunately, there’s something about feeling tired, lethargic, and sleepy that makes you want to gorge on unhealthy foods.
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We’ve all felt this way in the past, and no doubt we have given into temptation on many occasions too.
So, it’s important to understand that there is no “one-size-fits-all” when it comes to losing weight on intermittent fasting.
That being said, there have been plenty of studies into the effect of intermittent fasting on weight loss.
So, let’s have a look at some of these now.
2. Intermittent Fasting Weight Loss Results
Okay, so it’s time to look at some figures in order to determine how much weight you can actually lose on intermittent fasting.
However, please remember that results will vary from person-to-person, and this typically comes down to the various factors I’ve already discussed.
That being said, there have been many studies into the effects of intermittent fasting.
As an average it was found that participants lost 10 pounds over a 10-week period on intermittent fasting.
So, we could round this down to approximately 4lbs in a month.
However, a separate study appeared to produce slightly better results.
That being said, this study was conducted on obese adults (remember that the more weight you have to lose, the quicker it initially comes off).
The participants followed an alternate day style of intermittent fasting.
This involves eating completely normally one day and then only consuming up to 25% of your usual calories the day after, and then alternating between the two.
The participants in this second study lost on average 13 pounds over an 8-week period.
So, in effect, you could average this out to approximately 6.75lbs per week.
Don’t Try to Lose Weight Too Quickly With Intermittent Fasting
In reality, you can lose as much or as little weight as possible on intermittent fasting.
In fact, there are even people who have put weight on when trying intermittent fasting.
This typically comes down to them gorging on whatever food they wish during their fasting window.
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Then again, not eating enough food can also have the same effect.
What you may not realise is that when you don’t consume enough calories on a daily basis, your body typically holds onto fat stores, as the brain believes you are starving.
However, the aim of intermittent fasting is to convert from burning glycogen for energy (from the carbs you consume) to using fat.
But, if your body chooses to hold onto fat because you’re not consuming enough calories for energy, then it is a complete waste of your time doing intermittent fasting in the first place.
Therefore, it makes sense to lose weight slowly, healthily, and safely.
So, your aim should be to lose around 0.5-2lbs per week, so approximately 2-8lbs over a month.
If you can keep your weight loss within these parameters you are far more likely to be successful in the long run, as well as being able to keep the weight off.
What Happens if You Lose Weight Too Fast?
Final Thoughts
So, I hope you understand that how much weight you can lose in a month on intermittent fasting depends on many factors.
The most important of these is your starting point and how much weight you have to lose.
As an example, a person who is 100lbs overweight is likely to lose weight much faster than someone who is 10lbs overweight.
It stands to reason, as they have much more weight to lose.
Additionally, your metabolic rate, levels of activity, and how you choose to fast and eat during your specific fasting and eating windows will make a bug difference.
So, in order to lose weight safely and in a healthy manner, your aim should be to lose approximately 2-8lbs a month on intermittent fasting.
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Hi, I’m Partha, owner and founder of My Bodyweight Exercises. I am a Level 3 Personal Trainer and Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist through the Register of Exercise Professionals, United Kingdom. I have been a regular gym-goer since 2000 and coaching clients since 2012. My aim is to help you achieve your body composition goals.