Feeling Calf Raises in Your Glutes? Don’t Worry, It’s Normal (But Here’s the Catch)

A Man Performing Calf Raises in the Gym

The glutes and the hamstrings are activated to some extent during calf raises. The glutes will not be isolated, but they will contract in order to keep you in a standing position. However, if you somehow hinge at the hips, the glutes will be activated to a far greater degree. Plus, if you are calf … Read more

Why Planks Hurt Your Shoulders: Understanding the Causes & Solutions

An Athletic Man Performing a Plank

One of the biggest mistakes with planks is to shrug your shoulders up towards your ears. This takes the shoulders out of correct alignment, which puts them in a more vulnerable position. Furthermore, allowing your hips to sag, typically due to weak abs and core, will place more stress on the shoulders. You should also … Read more

If You Don’t Feel Your Chest During Push Ups – Avoid These 5 Mistakes

Don't Feel Chest During Push Ups

It’s probably the most common complaint about push ups, namely that you don’t feel your chest working whiile performing them. The push up is primarily a chest exercise, so surely you should feel your chest whenever performing them. Admittedly, the push up also works the shoulders and the arms. And as the anterior deltoids and … Read more

Are You Doing Jumping Jacks or Star Jumps? Here’s the Difference

What’s the Difference Between Jumping Jacks and Star Jumps?

Jumping jacks and star jumps are both extremely popular exercises aimed at getting your heart rate up and burning calories. However, the names of these exercises are often used interchangeably. So, does this mean that they are in fact the same thing? Or are they completely different to each other, and if so, how? Jumping … Read more

Stop Suffering From Knee Pain During Jumping Jacks: Here’s What to Do

Why Do Jumping Jacks Hurt My Knees?

Jumping jacks have been a popular exercise in military and fitness circles for many years now. They’re a great way to get your heart pumping and improve your cardiovascular fitness. That being said, just like any exercise, they can cause certain issues, such as knee pain. So, if jumping jacks are wrecking your knees, here’s … Read more

Discover the Colossal Number of Jumping Jacks Required to Burn 3,500 Calories!

How Many Jumping Jacks to Burn 3,500 Calories?

According to various sources you would need to burn approximately 3,500 calories to lose one pound of fat. Therefore, most of us wish to know how many reps of certain exercises we would need to perform in order to burn 3,500 calories. So  how many jumping jacks should you do to lose one pound of … Read more