Push-Up Form Guide: The Truth About Chest-to-Ground Contact

An Athletic Man Performing Push Ups

If you’re performing basic push ups for fitness purposes then your chest should touch the ground. In fact, your chest should be the ONLY part of your body to touch the ground (hands and toes excluded of course). The “Standard” Fitness Push Up For an exercise that is so simplistic in nature there’s actually a … Read more

Why Does My Collarbone Pop When I Do Push Ups? (3 Factors to Consider)

Why Does My Collarbone Pop When I Do Push Ups

Who else wants to know, “Why Does My Collarbone Pop When I Do Push Ups?” You hear a popping or clicking sound, although this typically doesn’t cause you any pain or discomfort. However, it obviously doesn’t feel normal to hear your collarbone popping, does it? Even though it’s not causing you any issues at the … Read more

Why Does My Upper Back Hurt After Push Ups? (4 Things to Know)

Why Does My Upper Back Hurt After Push Ups

The main reason that your upper back hurts after push ups is because of poor posture. This is typically caused if you spend many hours a day with the shoulders rounded or rolled forward, e.g. hunched over a computer. This can eventually lead to an issue with the pec minor muscle. Plus, it can also … Read more

Are Your Lats Sore After Push Ups? Here’s 3 Reasons Why

Lats Sore After Push Ups

Anyone else find their lats sore after push ups? It’s a common complaint, and even one that I’ve experienced before. I generally perform a lot of push ups on a weekly basis, but I don’t usually feel any soreness or discomfort. With that being said, every now and then I’ll really go for it with … Read more

Is it Better to Do 100 Push Ups at Once or Throughout the Day?

Two Animated Characters Doing Push Ups and the Text, "Is it Better to Do 100 Push Ups at Once or Throughout the Day?"

I’m sure you’ve read countless articles or watched many YouTube videos about doing 100 push ups a day. In fact, a popular way to perform the exercise is to do 100 push ups per day for 30 days. And, no doubt, you’re amazed by the physique transformations of these people doing 3,000 reps of push … Read more