Why Do I Have a Dent in My Bicep? (Here’s 3 Reasons Why)

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Who else wants to know, “Why Do I Have a Dent in My Bicep?“

I’m sure if you’ve noticed that dent in your bicep it’s perhaps weirded you out.

I mean it’s not something that you generally see in others.

And to make matters worse you usually only notice it in one bicep and not the other.

So, what’s going on here?

Let’s find out.

Why Do I Have a Dent in My Bicep?

There are a number of reasons why you may have a dent in your bicep. This could be because you have a high bicep insertion point. A high insertion point simply refers to the gap between the bicep and the bend in the elbow when the bicep is flexed. Athletes and trainees who have this “gap” are more likely to have a dent in their biceps. This can also occur if you focus more on training the brachialis muscle. There is also the possibility that you have torn or partially torn a bicep tendon. This is especially true of tendonitis in the long head of the bicep tendon.

1. You Have a High Bicep Insertion Point

There are a few schools of thought on the “dent” in the bicep.

Firstly, there are those who don’t possess it and find it creepy.

Then there are the people who do have the dent and are freaked out by it.

Finally, some of you have it, some of you don’t, but you view it as kinda cool and a badge of honour.

You’ll often hear the explanation that a dent in the bicep is simply down to genetics.

Well, the nearest theory to this being a genetic thing will be down to the insertion point of your biceps.

Your bicep insertion point simply refers to the gap, or lack of, between your bicep and the bend in your elbow when your bicep is flexed.

Here’s Sergio Oliva with a low insertion point.

Sergio Oliva - Low Insertion Point

So, as you can see when his muscle is flexed there is no noticeable gap between his flexed bicep and the bend in his elbow.

Furthermore, there is no dent in his bicep.

However, if we now take a look at Dorian Yates, we can see that he has a high insertion point, i.e. there is a gap between his flexed bicep and elbow.

Dorian Yates - High Insertion Point

It is also often said that if you have a high bicep insertion point you are more likely to have a tall bicep peak.

I’ll let you come to your own conclusions from the images above.

With that being said, it is typically more likely that you’ll have a dent in the bicep with a high insertion point (when you have a gap between the bicep and elbow joint).

This may not be the case for everyone.

Plus, you may not even have the dent on both biceps.

So, in a way I guess it can be down to genetics.

But, as long as it doesn’t cause you any discomfort or pain, it’s not something you should be overly concerned about.

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2. Your Brachialis Muscle is Extremely Well Developed

There are those who believe that the dent is caused by where the long head and the short head of the bicep meet.

But, in reality, if this were the case we’d all be sporting a dent.

However, there is something else that can cause the dent, and this will be down to the specific bicep exercises you perform.

The brachialis is the “less popular” upper arm muscle, which lies beneath the brachii.

And it is the brachii which receives all the glory and attention.

Basically, the brachii is the bicep muscle you can see.

With that being said, if you specifically train the brachialis you can significantly improve the aesthetics of the biceps overall.

The brachialis aids in elbow flexion and when well-trained it can “push” the show bicep muscle up and out.

In effect, it will make the biceps appear bigger and wider.

Nevertheless, something to keep in mind is if much of your biceps training is focused on training the brachialis this could be the reason behind the dent in your biceps.

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Personally, I don’t see this as a bad thing, and once again if it’s not causing you pain or discomfort, carry on performing these exercises.

Some of the more popular exercises that target the brachialis include:

  • Dumbbell Hammer Curls
  • Zottman Curls
  • Cross-Body Dumbbell Hammer Curls
  • Preacher Curls
  • Cable Hammer Curls
  • Reverse-Grip Barbell Curls

So, all fantastic exercises which will definitely make the biceps bigger, stronger, and more pleasing on the eye.

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3. You’ve Had a Torn a Bicep Tendon

The most common reason a dent can suddenly appear out of nowhere is due to a tear in the one of the tendons of the bicep.

You may even have experienced a partial tear in the biceps and never actually realised it.

Perhaps you felt a little sore after a bicep workout, more so than usual, and you even have to avoid training the muscle for a few days.

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This is often associated with bicep tendonitis.

Basically, the long head of the bicep tendon becomes inflamed or irritated, and this will typically show up as a dent on the bicep.

The bicep is attached to the shoulder and the forearm by certain tendons.

Firstly, there is the long head tendon which attaches the bicep to the top of the shoulder socket.

Whereas, there is also a short head tendon that attaches to the shoulder blade.

Finally, there is a tendon that is attached to the forearm, or the radius, to be exact.

Any one of these tendons can experience a tear through exercise and excessive use.

When it comes to tendonitis, which is when a dent will most commonly appear, this can be treated with the RICE method.

RICE is an acronym which stands for:

  • Rest
  • Ice
  • Compression
  • Elevation

With that being said, a bicep tear can be more serious, and may even lead to tendon dislocation.

This will typically be far more painful and can lead to bruising, swelling, or an audible “popping” sensation.

Unfortunately, RICE may not be an appropriate way to treat this type of tear, and if you are in any pain you should immediately refer to your Doctor.

Your Doctor can take you through a medical exam, which involves testing the overall mobility of your arm.

From here they can ascertain how serious the injury is and the appropriate form of treatment required.

So, you may find that you are referred to a physiotherapist.

The main takeaway here is that if a dent has suddenly appeared, and you are in pain, you should seek immediate medical attention.

Best Self-Treatment For Bicep Tendonitis and Tears

Final Thoughts

So, hopefully you have a better idea of why you have a dent in your bicep.

This could initially be down to genetics and the fact that you have a high bicep insertion point.

It could also be due to the fact that much of your arm training is focused on exercises which work the brachialis.

However, possibly the most common reason for the dent in your bicep will be due to a tendon tear or partial tear.

Depending on the pain and discomfort you’re feeling, you can either treat this by following the RICE method or seeking medical attention.

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