Triceps Sore? Should You Train Biceps? Here’s What You Need to Know

A Muscular Man Flexing His Arms in a Bodybuilding Pose

It’s absolutely fine to train your biceps if your triceps are sore. In fact, it could actually help with tricep recovery. Biceps and triceps are opposing muscles. Therefore, when your biceps contract, your triceps relax, and vice versa. Furthermore, the increased blood flow to your arms will help with nutrient partitioning and active recovery for … Read more

Why Do My Biceps Fatigue So Fast? (5 Things You Should Know)

Why Do My Biceps Fatigue So Fast

Who’s asked, “Why Do My Biceps Fatigue So Fast?” The biceps are probably one of most focused-on muscles in the gym. I mean, who doesn’t want a huge set of impressive guns? However, there’s nothing more frustrating than cranking out a few sets and finding that your arms are just too tired to continue. In … Read more

Is it Better to Train Biceps With Chest or Back? (3 Factors to Consider)

Is it Better to Train Biceps With Chest or Back

Who else wants to know, “Is it Better to Train Biceps With Chest or Back?” We all want to find the perfect workout split to suit our individual goals. I mean there are just so many different ways to train. However, there is often confusion as to when you should train the biceps. Some people … Read more

Why Are My Biceps Not Sore The Next Day? (4 Factors to Consider)

Why Are My Biceps Not Sore The Next Day

Have you ever found that even after a really intense session that your biceps aren’t sore the next day? Many people typically view muscle soreness as a way to gauge how effective a workout was. So, there’s nothing more frustrating than pumping out various sets of biceps exercises to feel absolutely nothing the next day. … Read more

Should Biceps or Triceps Be Stronger? (3 Facts You Should Know)

Should Biceps or Triceps Be Stronger

Considering that the biceps and triceps are two of the smaller muscles in the human body they typically get a lot more attention than their larger counterparts. But which muscle should be stronger? Your biceps and triceps should actually be the same strength, although for many people this is rarely the case. Looking at possibly … Read more