Why Are My Quads Sore After Deadlifts? (4 Factors to Consider)

Why Are My Quads Sore After Deadlifts

Surely I’m not the only one to experience sore quads after deadlifts? Deadlifts are probably one of the best strength exercises that you should be doing. Plus, they hit a huge number of muscle groups in the body. However, even though deadlifts are primarily a lower body exercise, they should be more taxing on the … Read more

Is it Better to Squat Barefoot? (4 Factors to Consider)

Is it Better to Squat Barefoot

Ever wondered, “Is it Better to Squat Barefoot?” It’s almost like a new craze. Everywhere you look in the gym people seem to be walking around shoeless. Okay, it’s deemed acceptable for a yoga or Pilates class. However, many people appear to be going barefoot nowadays even while pumping iron. And this is especially true … Read more

Why Can’t I Squat Without Falling Backwards? (Main Issue & Fixes)

Why Can’t I Squat Without Falling Backwards

Have you ever asked, “Why Can’t I Squat Without Falling Backwards?” I guess we all know that squats are probably one of the greatest exercises ever. And this is true whether you perform them with your own body weight or while under a load. So, there is nothing more frustrating than being unable to nail … Read more

Why Do I Get Sore Obliques After Deadlifts? (4 Facts You Need to Know)

Why Do I Get Sore Obliques After Deadlifts

If you’re going to get sore anywhere from deadlifts, your obliques would probably be the last place you’d think of. However, it’s actually far more common than you’d think. It is perfectly natural to get sore obliques after deadlifts, especially if you haven’t trained the movement in a while. The entire core works as a … Read more

Is it OK to Deadlift With a Smith Machine? (Here’s What You Need to Know)

Is it OK to Deadlift With a Smith Machine

You can certainly use the Smith machine to perform deadlifts, but it won’t be the exact same exercise. Due to the position of the bar on the Smith machine your starting point will be different. In fact, the movement is more reminiscent of a rack pull (often referred to as “partial deadlifts”). So, the Smith … Read more

Can’t Find Your Perfect Balance? Tips for Mastering Lunges!

A Fit & Athletic Couple Performing Dumbbell Lunges

The most common reason you can’t balance when doing lunges is because you haven’t engaged your core. You provide the body (as a whole) additional stability by doing this. An inability to balance during lunges could also point to a muscle weakness, most specifically the gluteus medius, or the transverse abdominals, or even both. Ensure … Read more

Where Should I Be Sore After Squats? (The 9 Muscle Groups Worked)

Where Should I Be Sore After Squats

Have you ever wondered, “Where Should I Be Sore After Squats?” The squat is typically viewed as the King of Lower Body Exercises. Actually, scrap that, squats are often said to be the King of ALL exercises. Squats work a number of the largest muscles in the body, as well as training the Central Nervous … Read more